Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The non-PC PC

Posted the forged card this afternoon, full of chatty gardening news and cricket. Let's hope the postmark blurs and that I am not struck by a thunderbolt. This is not psychiatrically PC at all. On his first visit, the "specialist" told Mum that she had dementia - the very thing that would scare her witless. Well, blessed be the departed wits that she doesn't remember.

Dr P was full of helpful advice. Why don't we keep a diary of appointments, daily events as an aide-memoire? We do actually, have done for years now. Labelling the drawers and light switches is another useful little tip. Done that too. Leaving little notes sometimes helps. (But it doesn't when the little notes get put away in drawers (sorry, labelled drawers) and forgotten. You have to socialise more. "Suppose I don't want to?" Mum said, smelling a rat. "We'll make you", smiled Dr P. Mum playing bingo or singing Siegfried Line songs? I don't think so. We've tried the Day Centre but as only a recent import to this area, her memories and experiences are completely different from everyone else. She might as well have green wobbly things on her head.

I asked about the treatment of dementia in Japan and China where ageing populations attract more research. Beijing University is conducting drug trials into a new drug that aids dementia patients, both Alzheimer's and vascular. Dr P hasn't heard and looks like he doesn't want to. Probably had enough of amateur Internet aided research.

I think non PC will do us fine.

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